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Links for more informations about Bolus alba and Cholera:

Kaolin in the Treatment of Cholera

Article in the New York Times

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The translated major title:

"About a realiable curing regimen in case of Asiatic cholera as well as in cases of severe infectious vomiting and diarrhea and about the relevance of Bolus (Kaolin) in the treatment of certain bacterial illnesses."

The attack on Asiatic cholera (Stumpf, 1906, p. 29-31):
Asiatic cholera broke out in the northeastern part of Germany in 1904. Stumpf was called to Berlin. From there he was sent to the cholera area of Nakel (now Poland). A 53-year-old female had been diagnosed with Asiatic cholera. As Stumpf was interviewing the patient, she suddenly sat up and vomited a quarter of a liter of a greenish liquid, typical for Asiatic cholera. Stumpf tried immediately to get the patient to swallow an oblate with bolus, but she explosively vomited again. Trying to get her to swallow two teaspoons of powder stirred into a glass of water, she immediately ejected the mixture of clay and water with the greenish liquid. Stumpf admitted to becoming quite concerned, but asked the patient to drink some more of the clay suspension. The substantially weakened woman took the glass and forced herself to take several sizeable swallows.

Then it happened
“Now comes the moment I shall never forget. The patient remained quiet for several moments and then whispered, obviously astonished: "I don't have to vomit anymore". Her cyanotic color faded and her face coloring became normal. She was able to sleep for hours without vomiting. Ten hours later she could be considered cured. The senior government medical officers present insisted that Stumpf immediately write a treatment prescription for distribution to all physicians in the entire area of the cholera epidemic”.

(W. Rudolph Reinbacher: Healing Earths: The Third Leg of Medicine)